Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Date : 29th January 2008 (Tuesday)

It was raining heavily from about 4.00 to 5.00pm. So, i thought i might as well go for a walk around PGP. The area was rather marshy. There were suprisingly more waterlogged areas than i expected. I was walking along the drains/canals, straining hard to find some form of life. Walked rather aimlessly for about an hour, just to give this area another chance to perform.

I was actually looking for tadpoles or at least some form of indicator that there were frog beings around. Anyway, didnt hear any calls. Even the pond was as frogless and tadpoleless as ever. I saw quite a few guppies though.

As i was walking near the children's playground, i saw THIS area. This magnificent area. It has this foammy like thing with some gooey stuff. Took a picture of it. Hope its worth the film. I will check out that foamy thing the first thing tomorrow. I really hope its some frogspawn.


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