Time : 7.45pm to 10.00pm
Weather : Cool and windy
Full moon, O
I went frogging around school alone today. Its not my first time, but i would say it is one experience of its kind. I walked down Prince George's Park, into Research Link. Then, along the way, as i was trying to spot as well as to listen up for calls, i saw this pleasant looking lady at the bus stand. I thought she looked like she was working around the area. So, i initiated a talk. I learnt that she was attached to a private independent child care operator, The Learning Vision Group. I then asked her whether she had heard or seen any frogs/toads around the working place. She replied delightfully that she has heard them during/after rains, in the children's playground at the centre. Goody woody
She later shared with me that she read somewhere which said something about messaging the vocal sac and tummy of the frogs will cause it to be hypnotized. One interesting fact. I looked it up and found several sites. Thanks Miss Vera =)
I later walked all the way towards Heng Mui Keng Terrence area. It was a very cosy area, with lots of vegetaion (ornamental though) and the area was shady with many trees. I walked across Kent Ridge Hall and Sheares Hall. I noticed the earth of the areas were mainly dry. The drainage system ws so-so with no potential areas to spot tadpoles. However, many drains were filled with leaf litter and minimal water. Plus, i found another reptile staring at me, a Calotes versicolor.
Continued to walk along Business Link, and reached the fork junction near KR Hall. Walked along the drains, shining my torchlight. The drain was filled with about 1cm of water. Then, i thought i saw a small frog. I shined again and realised indeed my eyes were not playing tricks on me. ( Some classical music playing in the background like in dramas) Really happy but no one was there to share my joy. (so i shiok sendiried). Walked on the grassy patch and found another one. Oh yeah, the frogs were Polypedates leucomystax@four-lined tree frog, the species i have heard (its call is described as a "low nasal quack") not caught. I was really overjoyed because this is the third species i have found on campus. This species of frog has 4 rather distinct lines on its back. I am so happy i found a tree frog, though i kinda miss Asian toads already. =)
I continued walking all the way, towards Temasek/Eusoff Hall, trying to find frogs/toads all the way towards Arts. There is this drain at Arts, near the bus-stop which might have spawn. I saw some bubble-like jelly which i will confirm when i visit this place in the morning one of these days. I went to the wide empty grass land to frog but found none. I also went over to Architecture Drive, Engineering, and then walked all the way towards YIH. Somewhere around the Visitor's Lodge, i found a badly waterlogged patch. Walked along the side of SRC and then tooked a bus back. Thrilled, but exhausted.
Caught 2 Polypedates leucomystax =)
1 comment:
It's the cutest I've seen.. (:
Will miss him. You shoulda kissed it!
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