I grabbed a plastic bag from the back seat and grabbed the fellow. It was a wounded banded bullfrog Kaloula pulchra. When i got home, i examined the frog and found out it was quite badly injured. I do not know how. But it was really bad. Here is a picture of it.
With its anterior and posterior view.
It was so badly injured it couldnt even hop. it was limping, therefore suggesting its lameness. Suddenly, i felt so much for it i didnt know what to do. I wish i could do something to make it feel better.
Then, later at night, i decided to nurse it myself. I took some grandmother oilment my mom's colleague got from Penang (which we fondly call Magic Oil) and some cotton buds. I applied it onto the wounds of the frog, making sure it does not affect our friend's other remaining working systems. It was still and oblidging when i was being a frog-doctor wannabe. I then, decided to let it rest at some random pot in the garden to recuperate, making it seem like a anuran ward. I thought it might be better if it was free rather than being cooped up in a white bucket, which i kept it previously.
Hope the frog's doing fine. And Magic is working from that 'amah' oil.
Anterior view
Posterior view
aliciatan,- hopes to churn something 'good' out before the week ends.
What were you doing to it's tongue? Why is the tongue out on the anterior view picture? *runs far far far away!!*
I think u're so 'froggishh' becos the 'poor' frog actually looks like a scary frog instead.
*slaps forehead*
Anwyay, I had a bad day with insects today :(
But caught a blue bee yesterday, which was quite an achievement!
Oohh And so proud of you cos u actually had the guts to bring ur frog back..
What a frog-loving-friend I have (:
See u sooN!
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